Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Blessing of Babel's Babble

Last year, we spent some time reading and discussing the blessing in the difficulty of learning a 2nd language. God's providence was clearly on display at the Tower of Babel. However, there is more to it than that, and I would like for you to give some consideration to the following article written by Kathleen Nielson, again refocusing on the pivotal Biblical event that reshaped the world of language forever. She provides a new perspective and also adds a depth to the discussion, helping to capture why we study languages and can be thankful for that study.
Nielson lists 5 main areas in which we can learn about our God and language from the story of Babel: (1) language lets us make beautiful things, (2) language wields great power, (3) languages show God's judgement of fallen humanity, (4) languages show God's mercy, and (5) languages show the hope of redemptive history. I would like for us to reflect on these 5 elements of language and their relation to our our life and our God. In order to do this, I would like for you to address 3 of the following 4 questions in a video response via You can access the assignment below or through the assignment on Google Classroom (this is able to be done on a mobile device).

  1. Nielson asks the question: "What does this narrative [the Babel narrative] show us about language?" She then uses the 5 main areas of her article as an answer to that question. Of those 5 main areas, which did you find to be the most compelling and why?
  2. How does Nielson describe language yielding great power in the story of Babel? What power does learning another language give, especially in the context of a Christian's calling to serve and love the neighbor?
  3. Consider the merciful gift of languages. How is there mercy in languages as well as mercy in the Word?
  4. Finally, give some thought to Nielson's claims and contemplation about the role of languages in heaven and in praising our God. Explain your thoughts as well as something that you still wonder about.

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