Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Las Fiestas en el Mundo Hispano

As we begin this unit on "fiestas" or holidays in Spanish-speaking countries, it is worthwhile to look at some of the customs and traditions found elsewhere in the world, not to criticize them necessarily, but to look at them with the eye-of-faith, discerning elements which we share in common with other believers as well as, through those same eyes, viewing the culture of the world as we view the culture of our own country, filled with other problems and issues that aren't always fully in-line with our beliefs. Begin by reading this short introductory article:
La Quinceañera
We are going to take a look at one noteworthy celebration that has a major impact on the lives of Spanish-speaking families: the Quinceañera.
Now that you've read about some of the celebrations in the Hispanic world as well as learned a little more about the very important quinceañera, please complete the Google Form to show your understanding and also to voice your reaction to what you've learned.

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