Friday, April 17, 2020

El Escape Cubano - Chapters 7 & 8

Chapter 7 - El Remo
At the end of the previous chapter, Miguel and Gloria fell off the raft as they were dancing. This is where this chapter begins.
Chapter 8 - Silencio
Tragedy has struck and bitter reality lurks all around them, darkness creeps in. Miguel and Gloria will need to support each other and those remaining in their company, trying to keep hope alive.
And here we end our story for now. Two more weeks and we will have finished. Next week, we will cover chapter 9 before we conclude the story the following week. Again, our main focus is on reading/listening comprehension. Please answer the Google Classroom question with a brief summary of the 2 chapters as well as a brief reaction to the struggles these characters are facing (perhaps, think about what you would feel and/or do if you were in their shoes).

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