Monday, April 27, 2020

El Escape Cubano - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - ¿Es Real?
The story has taken a tragic turn. Gloria's father has disappeared; reality has sunk in. He is not coming back, drowned among the tossing waves. Yet, Miguel and his company aboard the raft haven't had time to truly process this. They've lost their food and their journey and prospects are looking grim. This is where we begin this chapter.
Having now read/followed along to this chapter, please provide a brief chapter summary by answering the Google Classroom Question.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

La Autoridad del Creador (PTM #3)

We have come a ways in our understanding of how we can witness our faith to those "neighbors" or "strangers" that God puts in our path -- neighbors of all types, including those that speak a different language. Our calling to love our neighbor isn't nullified by that fact. We started by looking at how we can use language cognates to speak about the attributes of God. That information is below for you to review.
We then discussed the particular trait of God known as His immutability (inability to change - He is always the same!) This is a particularly important one to be able to speak about since there is great comfort in the knowledge that our God is forever faithful in Himself and His promises. Below, you will find that information for you to review.
Now, we are going to look at the authority of God as the Creator. This is important because it lays the groundwork or everything else. If God does not have authority over us as our Creator, then, truly, He has no authority in our lives whatsoever. However, if He is our Creator as He truly is, that has major implications to the service that we owe Him.
With the authority of God as our Creator fixed in our mind, we are going to participate in a simulated activity where you will be imagining and including yourself in a conversation with a fictional co-worker named Roberto. Follow the directions on the Google Form below to complete this activity.

Friday, April 17, 2020

El Escape Cubano - Chapters 7 & 8

Chapter 7 - El Remo
At the end of the previous chapter, Miguel and Gloria fell off the raft as they were dancing. This is where this chapter begins.
Chapter 8 - Silencio
Tragedy has struck and bitter reality lurks all around them, darkness creeps in. Miguel and Gloria will need to support each other and those remaining in their company, trying to keep hope alive.
And here we end our story for now. Two more weeks and we will have finished. Next week, we will cover chapter 9 before we conclude the story the following week. Again, our main focus is on reading/listening comprehension. Please answer the Google Classroom question with a brief summary of the 2 chapters as well as a brief reaction to the struggles these characters are facing (perhaps, think about what you would feel and/or do if you were in their shoes).

Thursday, April 16, 2020

El Escape Cubano - Chapters 5 & 6

Capítulo 5 - Enojado
We rejoin Miguel on the raft with his father as well as the family of Fabio, including Gloria, the girl who Miguel has a ¨crush¨ on. They have just left Cuba on the raft and are headed towards Florida.
Capítulo 6 - Llueve
The story continues in chapter 6. Miguel is very angry at his father (possibly with cause? - albeit his father has a defense for his actions which might justify it?). As the title indicates, rain is on the way. Remember ¨llueve¨ is from the verb ¨llover¨, meaning ¨to rain¨.
Now that you have read & followed-along to chapters 5 and 6, please give some thought to the story in a response to the Google Classroom Question, addressing the following: a short 3-5 sentence summary of the chapters as well as a short prediction of what might happen next, given how chapter 6 ends.

PTM #4 - “El Amor de Dios” and Farewell

Ending our year on a proper note is important. Throughout our studies of Spanish, we have attempted to place our study in perspective. We st...